3 Tips to Keep Your Hand Looking Young

2015-03-04T09:23:09-05:00Categories: Injectables|

Bodiless, aged, and full of more wrinkles than you count, some hands go through a lot in their lifetime. Cracked and dry skin can be an aesthetic nuisance, not to mention painful if the condition gets too extreme. This is especially true during the winter months for most of us, the time of year when bitter [...]

5 Tips for Safe Cosmetic Enhancements

2015-02-25T09:50:21-05:00Categories: Facial Cosmetics|

The decision to undergo cosmetic enhancements can be a difficult one to make, and there are numerous elements involved in the decision-making process. It’s important to feel comfortable at each step along the way to ensure effective results for the long-term. To help streamline the planning for a safe and effective cosmetic procedure, review the following [...]

What’s the Difference between Brow Lifts and Facelifts?

2015-02-18T09:47:52-05:00Categories: Injectables|

Once you’ve made the decision to undergo plastic surgery and update your appearance utilizing one of the latest surgical techniques, it’s important to understand the differences between the various options available. A common area of confusion for patients new to the cosmetic surgery field is the difference between brow lifts and facelifts. In an attempt to [...]

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