How is BroadBand Light Useful in Treating Skin?

2015-05-11T05:17:04-04:00Categories: Cosmetic Treatment|

Cosmetic procedures tailored to treating skin conditions have evolved significantly with new, innovative technologies being used by surgeons every year. Broadband Light (BBL) utilizes dual-flash lamps, both of which work in tandem to provide the necessary energy supply, that work to get rid of various ailments. BroadBand Light Technology: A New Method for Ousting Unsightly Skin [...]

Types and Benefits of Chemical Peels

2015-05-04T05:08:31-04:00Categories: Cosmetic Treatment|

One way to get serious about skin exfoliation is to use a chemical peel. This is a mask composed of various chemical agents is designed to penetrate the epidermis and ultimately remove multiple layers of skin upon being wiped away. These peels are comprised of wounding agents that safely strip dead skin layers, thus leaving behind [...]

What are the Most Common Skin Conditions?

2015-04-21T09:00:01-04:00Categories: Body Sculpting|

There is no such thing as “perfect” skin. Natural skin always has some blemishes and problems, and these days it’s more normal to have a skin condition than to not. Of skin conditions in Canada, some are more common than others. According to the Canadian Dermatology Association, these skin problems are so common that over half [...]

What are Dermal Fillers used for?

2015-04-14T09:58:56-04:00Categories: Facial Cosmetics|

Dermal fillers are organic material used to fill out the face. They replace the layer of collagen that, in younger people, keeps the lips plump, the skin firm, and the wrinkles light. By replacing this collagen, a filler can thus enhance an appearance in the following ways: Lessening wrinkles in areas that sink, like the eyes, [...]

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